Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I had an INTERESTING CONVERSATION with a colleague a few weeks ago on our respective travel opportunities and how such opportunities aided in the LIFE DIRECTIONS we're currently living.  First off, my DECISION TO TRAVEL TO ALL SEVEN OF THE WORLD's CONTINENTS probably occurred AFTER MY FOREIGN EXCHANGE program back in College over 24 years ago.

There was SOMETHING THAT CAME ALIVE WITHIN ME when I first traveled over seas.  Yeah, I say "over seas" as I had traveled a few times from the USA to Canada, but it never REALLY FELT as if I had traveled to a different country~Silly, I know, but there it is!  In any case, I flew off to the UK to do an Exchange Program through my College and I'm SO GLAD I DID...So glad my Father found the spare "ducats"...So glad my Mother did not put her foot down....Just completely happy that ALL THINGS FELL INTO PLACE for this journey to happen.  Within days of being in England, I realized that TRAVEL AND TRAVELING just had to be a part of my life some how...Like the oxygen we breathe, I KNEW TRAVEL WOULD BE MY SOUL'S SOLACE.  So, what was it exactly, you ask, that was so LIFE CHANGING?  The people, the foods, the way they lived, the activities they typically participated in, the morning routines and their evening routines, their versions of WHAT WAS FUNNY and their perceptions of me as an American~I found IT ALL FASCINATING!

So, shortly after that experience, I CHALKED OUT SOME ROUGH GOALS for myself~I wanted to visit all Seven of the World's Continents AND, as an American, I wanted to visit All 50 States by Age 50.  Yup, I put a TIMEFRAME on myself.  This kept me moving forward and delving into States I would most likely not have opportunities to visit.  So, just from this VERY BRIEF INTERACTION WITH A COLLEAGUE, and while I'm NO LONGER a Passport Stamp Collector, I was quite interested in gathering my thoughts of the ACTUAL COUNTRIES I've had the pleasure of either visiting, working with and/or living in as an Expat:
South Africa
  • Afghanistan
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Israel
  • Macau
  • Singapore
  • South Korea
  • The Philippines
  • Amsterdam
  • Austria
  • Brussels
  • Croatia
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Holland
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Liechtenstein
  • Norway
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom 
  • Vatican City
  • Yemen
  • Yugoslavia
  • Bahamas 
  • Canada
  • Jamaica
  • Mexico
  • Puerto Rico
  • United States of America
  1. Alabama
  2.   Alaska
  3.   Arizona
  4.   Arkansas
  5.   California (Lived and Worked for 6-Years)
  6.   Colorado
  7.   Connecticut (Lived and Worked for 15-Years)
  8.   Delaware
  9.   Florida
  10.   Georgia
  11.   Hawaii
  12.   Idaho
  13.   Illinois
  14.   Indiana
  15.   Iowa
  16.   Kentucky
  17.   Louisiana
  18.   Maine
  19.   Maryland
  20.   Massachusetts
  21.   Michigan
  22.   Minnesota
  23.   Mississippi
  24.   Montana
  25.   Nebraska
  26.   Nevada
  27.   New Hampshire
  28.   New Jersey
  29.   New Mexico
  30.   New York (Worked in for 15-Years)
  31.   North Carolina
  32.   North Dakota
  33.   Ohio
  34.   Oklahoma
  35.   Oregon
  36.   Pennsylvania (Born, Raised, and Lived)
  37.  Rhode Island
  38.  South Carolina
  39.  South Dakota
  40.  Tennessee
  41.  Texas
  42.  Utah
  43.  Vermont
  44.  Virginia
  45.  Washington
  46.  West Virginia
  47.  Wisconsin
  48.  Wyoming


  •    Argentina


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Landing in Macau!

Well, it's been ROUGHLY THREE MONTHS since the wheels of the 737 Flight I was on landed at Macau International Airport from Taipei, Taiwan via San Francisco, California!

The weather was HOT, HAZY AND HUMID.  I had on WAY TOO MANY LAYERS as I began sweating profusely while standing in line at Customs.  Sweating and hot, I looked around the airport with the bold DEFINITIVE WORD OF INTERNATIONAL included in its name and thought it was mildly ambitious of them, but, then again, I did just land from Taiwan, so THAT IS IN FACT " INTERNATIONAL", and I corrected myself.  I didn't have any problems at customers; I collected my toys (otherwise known as MY BAGS) and moved onward to meet the Human Resources personnel that were scheduled to meet me.  They were waiting for me AND ANOTHER FAMILY just as planned.  Once we negotiated how we were going to travel back to the Hotel, we were on the move~So, a TAXI was the selected mode of transportation BUT the taxi and it's driver did not seem prepared to work an airport~You know, like picking up travelers landing with bags!